Our Lady of Peace Icon
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Prayer to Our Lady of Peace
O Mary, Help of Christians, in our need we turn to you with eyes of love, with empty hands
and longing hearts. We look to you that we may see your Son, our Lord. We lift our hands that
we may have the Bread of Life. We open wide our hearts to receive the Prince of Peace.
Mother of the Church, your sons and daughters thank you for your trusting word that echoes
through the ages, rising from an empty soul made full of grace, prepared by God to welcome
the Word to the world that the world itself might be reborn. In you, the reign of God has dawned,
a reign of grace and peace, love and justice, born from the depths of the Word made flesh.
The Church throughout the world joins you, in praising him whose mercy is from age to age.
O Help of Christians, protect us!
Bright Star of the Sea, guide us!
Our Lady of Peace, pray for us!
St. John Paul II wrote this prayer 11-22-2001 in Rome.
Our Lady of Peace icon written for the glory of God by the hand of Jill Rodts
O Mary, Help of Christians, in our need we turn to you with eyes of love, with empty hands
and longing hearts. We look to you that we may see your Son, our Lord. We lift our hands that
we may have the Bread of Life. We open wide our hearts to receive the Prince of Peace.
Mother of the Church, your sons and daughters thank you for your trusting word that echoes
through the ages, rising from an empty soul made full of grace, prepared by God to welcome
the Word to the world that the world itself might be reborn. In you, the reign of God has dawned,
a reign of grace and peace, love and justice, born from the depths of the Word made flesh.
The Church throughout the world joins you, in praising him whose mercy is from age to age.
O Help of Christians, protect us!
Bright Star of the Sea, guide us!
Our Lady of Peace, pray for us!
St. John Paul II wrote this prayer 11-22-2001 in Rome.
Our Lady of Peace icon written for the glory of God by the hand of Jill Rodts