Schedule of Events for Art of Faith
Art of Faith Mission accepts the challenge: "The Church accomplishes her mission of leading people to Christ the Saviour by sharing the Word of God and the gifts of the sacraments of Grace...The Way of Beauty can open the pathway for the search for God, and disposes the heart and spirit to meet Christ, who is the Beauty of Holiness Incarnate, offered by God to men for their salvation. It invites contemporary Augustines, unquenchable seekers of love, truth and beauty, to see through perceptible beauty to eternal beauty, and with fervour discover Holy God, the author of all beauty."
~The Via Pulchritudinis- The Way of Beauty letter Plenary Assembly.
Our patron saints include: St. Augustine, St. Therese, the Little Flower, Saint John Paul II, St. Faustina, St. Catherine of Bologna and Blessed Fra Angelico. We ask for your prayers in making the 10th Annual Art of Faith sacred art show and sale a beautiful celebration of our Catholic faith. Please share our mission with your people and invite all to see the artistic expression
of our holy faith and participate in this transforming event! :)
Art of Faith Mission accepts the challenge: "The Church accomplishes her mission of leading people to Christ the Saviour by sharing the Word of God and the gifts of the sacraments of Grace...The Way of Beauty can open the pathway for the search for God, and disposes the heart and spirit to meet Christ, who is the Beauty of Holiness Incarnate, offered by God to men for their salvation. It invites contemporary Augustines, unquenchable seekers of love, truth and beauty, to see through perceptible beauty to eternal beauty, and with fervour discover Holy God, the author of all beauty."
~The Via Pulchritudinis- The Way of Beauty letter Plenary Assembly.
Our patron saints include: St. Augustine, St. Therese, the Little Flower, Saint John Paul II, St. Faustina, St. Catherine of Bologna and Blessed Fra Angelico. We ask for your prayers in making the 10th Annual Art of Faith sacred art show and sale a beautiful celebration of our Catholic faith. Please share our mission with your people and invite all to see the artistic expression
of our holy faith and participate in this transforming event! :)