"Though he was harshly treated, he submitted and opened not his mouth; Like a lamb led to the slaughter or a sheep before the shearers, he was silent and opened not his mouth." Isaiah 53:7. Christ is the icon of the unseen God. "He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. For in Him were created all things in heaven on earth, the visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers; all things were created through Him and for Him. He is before all things, and in him all things hold together. He is the head of the body, the church."
Colossians 1:15-18.
Icons are a communication of the truth of heaven. The veneration of icons leads us to encounter in faith Christ and his mysteries. We know that Jesus wants to stay with us not only in grace but truly in made present in the Holy Eucharist of the Blessed Sacrament. By his Incarnation we can celebrate the humanity of Christ, our Lord. He became the Blessed Babe of Bethlehem, (which means House of Bread). He is our Savior and won salvation for us. In the drawing to the left, Jesus takes up our cross so we are never alone for he was born to be Emmanuel~ God is with us in all our daily trials.
Colossians 1:15-18.
Icons are a communication of the truth of heaven. The veneration of icons leads us to encounter in faith Christ and his mysteries. We know that Jesus wants to stay with us not only in grace but truly in made present in the Holy Eucharist of the Blessed Sacrament. By his Incarnation we can celebrate the humanity of Christ, our Lord. He became the Blessed Babe of Bethlehem, (which means House of Bread). He is our Savior and won salvation for us. In the drawing to the left, Jesus takes up our cross so we are never alone for he was born to be Emmanuel~ God is with us in all our daily trials.
The Love of the Creator
Even before revealing him to man in words of truth, God reveals himself to him through the universal language of creation, the work of his Word, of his wisdom: the order and harmony in the cosmos – which both the child and the scientist discover –"from the greatness and beauty of created things comes a corresponding perception of their Creator," for the author of beauty created them.
Catechism of the Catholic Church 2500
Catechism of the Catholic Church 2500
"Created in the image of God, man also expresses the truth of his relationship with God, the Creator by the beauty of his artistic works.... Arising from talent given by the Creator and from man's own effort, art is a form of practical wisdom, uniting knowledge and skill, to give form to the truth of reality in a language accessible to sight or hearing. To the extent that it is inspired by truth and love of beings, art bears a certain likeness to God's activity in what he has created. " Catechism of the Catholic Church 2501
Scripture & Thoughts by Saints on flowers

"As the heavens tower over the earth, so God's love towers over the faithful....Our days are like the grass, like flowers of the field we blossom...but the kindness of the Lord's kindness is forever toward the faithful from age to age." Psalm 103: 11,15,17.
"Let everything in creation draw you to God. Refresh your mind with some innocent recreation and needful rest, if it were only to saunter through the garden or the fields, listening to the sermon preached by the flowers, the trees, the meadows, the sun, the sky and the whole universe. You will find that they exhort you to love and praise God; that they excite you to extol the greatness of the Sovereign Architect Who has given them their being." – St. Paul of the Cross
God's Natural Beauty~ Tropicana and Four Red Roses – Oil
“The splendor of the rose and the whiteness of the lily do not rob the little violet of it’s scent nor the daisy of its simple charm. If every tiny flower wanted to be a rose, spring would lose its loveliness.” ― St. Thérèse de Lisieux, Story of A Soul, Autobiography
Observe how the lilies of the field grow; they do not toil nor do they spin, yet I say to you that not even Solomon in all his glory clothed himself like one of these. "But if God so clothes the grass of the field, which is alive today and tomorrow is thrown into the furnace, will He not much more clothe you? You of little faith! Matthew 6:28-30.
"Beauty directs our souls to our creator. We must be first re-united with the traditions from which we come, if we are to produce art of the Church as it is today, that is nevertheless as glorious as the past." David Clayton, On John Paul II's Letter to Artists.
"Let everything in creation draw you to God. Refresh your mind with some innocent recreation and needful rest, if it were only to saunter through the garden or the fields, listening to the sermon preached by the flowers, the trees, the meadows, the sun, the sky and the whole universe. You will find that they exhort you to love and praise God; that they excite you to extol the greatness of the Sovereign Architect Who has given them their being." – St. Paul of the Cross
God's Natural Beauty~ Tropicana and Four Red Roses – Oil
“The splendor of the rose and the whiteness of the lily do not rob the little violet of it’s scent nor the daisy of its simple charm. If every tiny flower wanted to be a rose, spring would lose its loveliness.” ― St. Thérèse de Lisieux, Story of A Soul, Autobiography
Observe how the lilies of the field grow; they do not toil nor do they spin, yet I say to you that not even Solomon in all his glory clothed himself like one of these. "But if God so clothes the grass of the field, which is alive today and tomorrow is thrown into the furnace, will He not much more clothe you? You of little faith! Matthew 6:28-30.
"Beauty directs our souls to our creator. We must be first re-united with the traditions from which we come, if we are to produce art of the Church as it is today, that is nevertheless as glorious as the past." David Clayton, On John Paul II's Letter to Artists.
In the Summer of 2021, in the Year of St. Joseph, I went back to study for a Masters in Sacred Art through Pontifex University by taking studio classes at the Sacred Art Institute on Enders Island. This class was a devotional painting workshop on St. Joseph and Jesus. Our instructor shared ideas and writing from Fr. Boniface Hicks' book, Through the Heart of St. Joseph. We studied the character of St. Joseph by listening to Pope John Paul II's writing, Redemptoris Custos on the mission and life of this holy worker. My master copy is done in oil is based on Bartolo Estaban Murillo's masterpiece, St. Joseph and the Child Jesus. We look to the strong faithful man of the Holy Family and protecting arm of St. Joseph to lead us in these times.
Summer 2022 ~More new work to come on the Guardian of the Redeemer, good Saint Joseph. Peace + Blessings~ Jill

This website is a work in progress.
Come Holy Spirit fill the hearts of your faithful and ENKINDLE in them the fire of your love. I have many sacrifice beads, prints of icons and oil paintings, holy cards, journals, greeting cards, photo coasters, available for purchase that are not on my website. Please email me at [email protected] for more information.
“In order to communicate the message entrusted to her by Christ, the Church needs art. Art must make perceptible, and as far as possible attractive, the world of the spirit, of the invisible, of God. Christ himself made extensive use of images in his preaching, fully in keeping with his willingness to become, in the Incarnation, the icon of the unseen God.”
The Way of Beauty: The Letter to Artists April 4, 1999, 12
Saint John Paul II
The Triumph of the Cross~ Apse Mosaic of Basilica of San Clemente
The Triumph of the Cross ~ The 12th Century Mosaic Apse of the Basilica of San Clemente in Rome will be our featured ART of FAITH TALK on Thursday, February 18th at 3 pm. Tune in to hear the rich symbolism presented within this beautiful Jesus Crucified mosaic. Listen to the meaning of the words of "Abide in Me, and I will Abide in you. I am the Vine and You are the Branches"; along with the rich Catholic roots and heritage depicted in this piece of artwork.
10 Year Commemoration of Art of Faith SacreD Art Show
Meet Artists & Musicians who celebrate the good, true and beautiful through their artwork.
Emily Blake-, acrylic painting, prints
Dennis Carlson-, wood carving
Community of St. John-, handmade cards, icons, leather goods, honey, jam, rosaries, & quilted items;
Judith Costello, mixed media, painting, drawing
Brenda DeLathouwer- art/ chaplets
Lily Devlin-, crochet roses;
Jordan Emerick, cord rosaries
Penny Ensley, pen, pencil,
Kee Fryxell, colored pencils, pastels
Paul Herrera, prints, calligraphy, holy cards, & carved slate;
Dennis Hurd, woodworking
Christi Jentz, jewelry, acrylic & egg tempera painting;
Fr. William Kneemiller, military rosary, prayer books
Mindy & Lydia Olson, peg dolls,
Ruth & Evelyn Olson, sewing rosary cases,
Jill Rodts, jewelry, icons, painting, drawing, poetry, holy cards
Monica Skrzypczak, chaplets, rosaries, & oil paintings
Kathryn Weets,- oil paintings and colored pencils
Dennis Carlson-, wood carving
Community of St. John-, handmade cards, icons, leather goods, honey, jam, rosaries, & quilted items;
Judith Costello, mixed media, painting, drawing
Brenda DeLathouwer- art/ chaplets
Lily Devlin-, crochet roses;
Jordan Emerick, cord rosaries
Penny Ensley, pen, pencil,
Kee Fryxell, colored pencils, pastels
Paul Herrera, prints, calligraphy, holy cards, & carved slate;
Dennis Hurd, woodworking
Christi Jentz, jewelry, acrylic & egg tempera painting;
Fr. William Kneemiller, military rosary, prayer books
Mindy & Lydia Olson, peg dolls,
Ruth & Evelyn Olson, sewing rosary cases,
Jill Rodts, jewelry, icons, painting, drawing, poetry, holy cards
Monica Skrzypczak, chaplets, rosaries, & oil paintings
Kathryn Weets,- oil paintings and colored pencils
Rest in the Sacred Heart of Jesus ~ 2020 Sacred Art Show & Sale
Sat. Feb. 15, 2 pm - 7 pm & Sun. Feb. 16th 9 am - 2 pm.
Musicians Schedule
Feb. 15th 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm Annie Karto – Hall
3:10 pm – 4:10 pm Mark Kline – Guitarist
4:15 pm – 5:15 pm Chris Dunn – Guitarist
5:20 pm – 6:20 pm Lydia Olson – Harpist
6:25 pm Sara Dvorsky & Sharon Ade – Pianist
7:15 pm – 8:30 pm Annie Karto & Matthew Baute – Church
Feb. 16th
9:00 am – 10:00 am Jerry Schroeder – Guitar
10:00 am – 11:00 am Latin Mass Schola – Gregorian Chant
11:00 am – 12:00 pm Lydia Olson & Clare Nonnemann- Harpists
12:00 pm – 1:00 pm Annie Karto – Hall
1:10 pm – 1:40 pm Jordan Catholic School Choral Choir
1:45 pm Sara Dvorsky & Sharon Ade – Pianist
1:50 pm – 2:00 pm High School Art Contest Winners
3:00 pm – 4:30 pm Annie Karto – Church
Sat. Feb. 15, 2 pm - 7 pm & Sun. Feb. 16th 9 am - 2 pm.
Musicians Schedule
Feb. 15th 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm Annie Karto – Hall
3:10 pm – 4:10 pm Mark Kline – Guitarist
4:15 pm – 5:15 pm Chris Dunn – Guitarist
5:20 pm – 6:20 pm Lydia Olson – Harpist
6:25 pm Sara Dvorsky & Sharon Ade – Pianist
7:15 pm – 8:30 pm Annie Karto & Matthew Baute – Church
Feb. 16th
9:00 am – 10:00 am Jerry Schroeder – Guitar
10:00 am – 11:00 am Latin Mass Schola – Gregorian Chant
11:00 am – 12:00 pm Lydia Olson & Clare Nonnemann- Harpists
12:00 pm – 1:00 pm Annie Karto – Hall
1:10 pm – 1:40 pm Jordan Catholic School Choral Choir
1:45 pm Sara Dvorsky & Sharon Ade – Pianist
1:50 pm – 2:00 pm High School Art Contest Winners
3:00 pm – 4:30 pm Annie Karto – Church
8th Annual Art of Faith ~ The Merciful Love of Jesus ~ Artists
Images of 7th Annual Art of Faith Sacred Art Show & SaLE
Triumph of the Cross and the Faces behind the artwork
My Mission ~ to point to the Most Beautiful ~ God.
Vision • Illustration ~ To illustrate the beauty of the rich deposit of faith in sacred scriptures and sacred tradition. To create sacred art that reflects the truth, beauty, holiness and goodness of God. To spread the message of Jesus Christ as the Way, the Truth, and the Life through artwork that lifts the heart to contemplate the mysteries of faith, giving hope to all believers.
Art of Faith Coordinator
Graphic Designer
Icon Painter
Art Instructor (workshops for adults, young adults, women and children)
Art of Faith Coordinator
Graphic Designer
Icon Painter
Art Instructor (workshops for adults, young adults, women and children)
The Call
God's Only Begotten Son pleads with me. Repent and believe. Come after me! God has perfect timing. I hear the call to change to a new way of living. A threefold promise is given to me. Hearing the call to believe! Abandoning my own way of life Embracing the call to sacrifice. The call to follow the loveable Christ! Accepting all grace to follow the call of Jesus who called me into new life! Our Savior and Lord Jesus Christ! Copyright 2022 Jill Rodts |
The Gospel of Mark 1:14-20
On coming to Galilee Jesus proclaims the Gospel news, Repent and believe. Come after me. Fishers of me, I declare you will be. Just come follow me. Abandoning their plans, and trust in His Word, Jesus' voice was heard. The meeting was divinely designed at the appointed time. We pray to be like the apostles that day. Simon, Andrew, James and John Give us the courage to imitate your steps. They left their livelihood and own nets. Copyright 2022 Jill Rodts |
"When we see a beautiful object, a beautiful garden, or a beautiful flower, let us think that there we behold a ray
of infinite beauty of God, who has given existence to that object." – St. Alphonsus Maria de Liguori